October 18, 2024

Third Annual Dr. Chinmoy Banerjee Memorial Lecture in Anti-Racism: “From Pine Ridge to Palestine: A Comparison of Colonization and Anti-Colonial Struggle”

Burnaby, BC

On October 18, 2024, the Third Annual Dr. Chinmoy Banerjee Memorial Lecture in Anti-Racism titled "From Pine Ride to Palestine: A Comparison of Colonization and Anti-Colonial Struggle" was presented by the Institute of Humanities at Simon Fraser University. Gord Hill was the Keynote Speaker.

Gord Hill is an Indigenous writer, artist and activist of the Kwakwaka'wakw nation. He is the author and illustrator of "The 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance Comic Book," "The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book," and "The Antifa Comic Book" (all three published by Arsenal Pulp Press in Vancouver, Canada), as well as the author of the book "500 Years of Indigenous Resistance," published by AK Press in Oakland, California. His art and writings have also been published in numerous periodicals, including Briarpatch, Canadian Dimension, Redwire, Red Rising Magazine, The Dominion, Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec, Intotemak, Seattle Weekly, and Broken Pencil.

The lecture makes a comparative analysis of the European colonization of North America and Palestine, the systems of occupation and apartheid used by colonial states and the forms of anti-colonial struggle employed by resistant indigenous populations.

Keynote Address
The keynote address was delivered by Gord Hill, Indigenous writer, artist and activist of the Kwakwaka'wakw nation.
Second Annual Dr. Chinmoy Bannerjee Memorial Lecture in Anti-Racism